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  • Youth Choir | Site

    Coro de Jóvenes The Boulevard Baptist Youth Choir meets every Saturday at 11:00am - 1:00pm and ministers every third Sunday (Youth Sunday). We are currently looking out for young people that wants to use their God given talent to glorify him, if interested click the link below. Join Now

  • Say Yes | Site

    Want to become a member but not sure how? Follow this link with all the relevant information about joining Boulevard Baptist Jamaica Cómo llegar a ser un miembro? Boulevard Baptist Church está compuesta por personas que profesan una fe y creencia personal en Jesucristo, han recibido el bautismo en una iglesia según el Nuevo Testamento y siguen activamente al Señor Jesucristo en el discipulado. Aquellos que profesan arrepentimiento hacia Dios y fe en nuestro Señor Jesucristo, cuyas vidas dan evidencia de su profesión cristiana, y que han confesado su fe en la Ordenanza del Bautismo. Aquellos que han sido debidamente recomendados por otra congregación de Creyentes Bautizados como miembros activos y fieles de esa Iglesia en afiliación con la Unión Bautista de Jamaica, y que en virtud de dicha recomendación han sido aprobados para ser miembros de esta Iglesia. Aquellos cuya membresía haya caducado, o aquellos que hayan sido excluidos por la acción disciplinaria de la iglesia local, y que hayan dado seguridad y evidencia de arrepentimiento por el pecado y una intención sincera de vivir una vida cristiana consistente y hayan sido aprobados para la restauración a la membresía. por esta iglesia. Aquellos que proporcionen evidencia de su membresía en una iglesia cristiana por creencias y prácticas bautistas y que hayan pasado por un período de entrenamiento prescrito por la Constitución de Boulevard Baptist Church. Nuevo miembro Se espera que los nuevos miembros participen en el programa de orientación para nuevos miembros de la iglesia proporcionado por el pastor o alguien del ministerio de diáconos para garantizar que los nuevos miembros entiendan las creencias bautistas básicas y estén familiarizados con el contenido de la constitución de Boulevard Baptist Church.

  • Wedding Policies | Site

    Wedding Policies 1. The date and time of your wedding is set in consultation with our Pastor and the office. A Reservation Form should be completed in conjunction with the Office. 2. The Church requires couples to participate in pre-marital counselling sessions, which usually extend over a six-week period, prior to the date of the wedding. One of these sessions MUST be with the Pastor. 3. Marriage Licence – The couple must apply to the Ministry of Justice for a Marriage Licence at least four weeks before the wedding date. 4. Normally only the Church's Organists are permitted to play the organ, so permission to use any other organist must be obtained from the Church's Music Director. The couple may use their own pianist if they so desire. Consult with the musician concerning requests for appropriate music for your wedding. You are encouraged to choose music that is meaningful to you and in keeping with the fact that your wedding is a Worship experience. Rehearsal time is to be agreed on with the Church Musician. 5. Photographs or videotaping may be done during the ceremony, but flash photographs are not allowed during prayers. No one is allowed to take photographs from the pulpit. Please do not use the electrical outlets that are on the Choir Stalls. Please inform your photographers about our Policy. Photographers should take photographs six feet from participants in keeping with the COVID-19 protocols. 6. You are expected to provide your own floral and pew decorations. Church Flowers are NOT to be removed from the Church. 7. All fees are to be paid to the church accounts department at least two (2) weeks before the wedding date: - (a) Provision of Organist (b) Use of Church (c) Rehearsal Fee for Media Technician (f) Media Technician Fee (g) Rental of the Luther Gibbs Centre (h) Rental of the Luther Gibbs Centre NOTE - The Marriage Officer reserves the right to attend appointments previously made if the lateness of the wedding should become a serious threat. All costs are quoted by the church office. DECORATING OF THE CHAPEL The use of staple guns, thumb tacks, glue guns, scotch tape or anything which can damage the pews and doors is forbidden. RIBBONS may be used. NO FLOWER PETALS, RICE OR CONFETTI SHOULD BE THROWN IN THE CHURCH. No article belonging to the church is to be removed from the church and all furniture MUST remain as found. Since there may be more than one wedding/church activity per day, decorators should ensure that decorating does not take more than two hours. All decorations must be removed from the Chapel as soon as the ceremony is completed. The Church will not be responsible for any decorations left after any function. USE OF MULTIMEDIA Persons requiring the use of the Multimedia must bring the music downloaded onto a flash drive OR CD before the date of the wedding. REHEARSAL Each couple is allowed forty (40) minutes for rehearsal. The date and time should be arranged with the church office. Persons who are more than fifteen (15) minutes late MAY lose their rehearsal time or it might be reduced. COVID-19 – PROTOCOL COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS - Extract from THE DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT ACT THE DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (ENFORCEMENT MEASURES) (NO. 22) ORDER, 2021 (1) During the period from February 2022 the following provisions apply concerning gatherings at places of worship (which shall be construed as meaning churches or other official places of worship, Funeral services, and burials). Services at places of worship. 3760 PROCLAMATIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS [FEB 2022] however, described), and the chief officiating clergy or person conducting the worship is directed to ensure compliance therewith— (a). in respect of gatherings indoors at the place of worship, the number of persons permitted to gather at any time shall not exceed one person for every 40 square feet of the area concerned, and (for the avoidance of doubt) gatherings outdoors conducted by the place of worship shall not exceed 100 persons at a time; (b) paragraph 12(b) and (c) (physical distancing and wearing of masks) continue to apply; (c) the temperature of each person seeking entry onto the premises of the place of worship shall be checked, and no person whose temperature when so checked gives rise to a the suspicion that the person is ill shall be permitted entry; (d) handwashing, or hand sanitization, facilities shall be provided at each entrance to the place of worship, and each person seeking entry shall wash or sanitize that person’s hands upon entry; (e) entrance to and exit from the place of worship shall be controlled so that— a physical distance of at least 182.88 centimeters (or 6 feet) is maintained in respect of each person; and no physical contact (such as hugs or handshakes) occurs between persons; (f) between each service conducted at the place of worship— (i) there shall be a break of sufficient duration to ensure that the physical distancing requirements of this section can be complied with; and (ii) the place of worship shall be sanitized; (g) choir gatherings and performances shall not be permitted at the place of worship; and (h) a person who becomes ill, or exhibits flu-like or respiratory symptoms, while at the place of worship shall not be permitted to remain. (2) Sub-paragraph (1) shall not apply to gatherings for marriage ceremonies (in which case, paragraph 20 applies). (3) During the period from February 2022 no place of worship shall hold any crusade, conference, or convention. no more than one person for every 36 square feet of the area concerned shall be permitted to gather at any time at any MARRIAGE CEREMONY (INCLUSIVE OF THE PERSON CONDUCTING THE CEREMONY), BUT, REGARDLESS OF THE SIZE OF THE AREA, THE GATHERING SHALL NOT EXCEED 100 PERSONS AT ANY TIME; AND for the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of paragraph 12(b) and (physical distancing and wearing of masks) apply at any such marriage ceremony, and the officiating clergy or person conducting the ceremony is directed to ensure that the provisions of this paragraph are complied with. Wedding Reservation Document DOWNLOAD WEDDING TIPS The bridal party should avoid excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages on the wedding day. Have a meal (solid or liquid) before the wedding to avoid fainting. Wear comfortable shoes. Wedding guests and bridal parties must be reminded to wear appropriate attire in the Sanctuary and on the church grounds, inappropriate attire such as revealing clothing, and ill-fitting clothing; will not be allowed. The groom should take the wedding rings to the church. It is impolite to keep the guests and pastor(s) waiting, so be on time. The Groom and Best man should stand at the front on the right side of the church The Maid of Honor/Matron of Honor and Bridesmaids should stand at the front on the left side following the procession up the aisle. The Groomsmen should stand at the front on the right side. Procession: Groomsmen & Bridesmaids Flower girl & ring bearer Maid of Honor/Matron of Honor Bride & give-away father The Bridesmaids are expected to hold the left hand of the males. The Give-Away father should remain standing behind the bride until he says, "I do". The bride - walks to the right side of the give-away father. Members of the Wedding Party should NOT CHEW gum during the wedding service. Programs with the Order of Service and a personal word from the Bride and Groom At their wedding, guests will be a good souvenir. Brief the photographers not to block the view of your guests and not to disrupt the wedding ceremony.

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 Horario de apertura: Lun - Jue: 9am - 5pm     Vie: 9am-4:30pm     ​ Domingo: 7am-9am

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