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- Usher Board | Site
Usher Board The Usher Board members have various responsibilities and very efficiently and courteously serve the needs of members and visitors, not only at regular worship services but also at funerals, concerts, conferences and conventions. Because of their smart uniforms and pins they are easily identified and there is a mix of all age groups among the ushers. Members aged 14 and over are eligible to serve on this Board. Outside of regular worship services and events organized by Boulevard, the two recurring events at which they are called upon to give service as ushers, are the Jamaica Baptist Union Conference and Assembly and the Keswick Convention both of which are usually held at Boulevard.The Usher Board also has outreach activities. The members have assisted other sister churches with training and uniforms for ushers, made donations of cash or kind and each Christmas provide a treat for the children of a sister church where there is a need.
- Mission And Evangelisim | Site
Misión y Evangelismo OBJETIVO El propósito del Comité de Misiones/Evangelismo es movilizar a la iglesia para misiones y evangelismo continuos y efectivos en apoyo de la misión de la iglesia. Asegurar que la iglesia mantenga su enfoque como seguidores de Cristo compartiendo Su mensaje de esperanza y amor y guiando a la comunidad en general a una relación personal con Él que cambia la vida. Objetivos: Mantener viva la misión evangelizadora de la iglesia todo el año Ayudar con la planificación y ejecución de estrategias de crecimiento de la iglesia. Organizar misiones locales y en el extranjero e involucrar la participación de los miembros. COMPOSICIÓN DEL COMITÉ: Presidente Vicepresidente Secretario dos diáconos Un representante de cada uno de los ministerios designados Otros miembros cooptados FUNCIONES Y RESPONSABILIDADES PRINCIPALES Promover el evangelismo como un valor central de cada ministerio de la iglesia. Desarrollar un plan para una estrategia general de evangelismo que alcance a las personas y les dé la bienvenida a la congregación. Establezca metas que incluyan la expansión de las misiones locales y en el extranjero, capacitando a las personas para el ministerio en el mundo. Educar a la iglesia en evangelismo/misión a través de seminarios, películas, servicios, etc. Desarrollar y promover equipos de visitación y testificación entre los miembros. Reclutar, capacitar y poner a disposición consejeros para el ministerio general de la iglesia. Organizar sesiones especiales de oración para consejeros y con la iglesia.
- Dance Ministry Contact Card | Site
Join the BBCDM First Name Last Name Phone Number Birthday Submit Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you as soon as possible.
- Membership update | Site
Members of the Boulevard Baptist church can now update their membership information online. Membership Update Update your Information! First name Last name Email Informaton to be updated Submit
- History | Site
A brief description of the history of the Boulevard Baptist Church. HISTORY The construction of the Washington Boulevard in the Pre-Independence era occasioned the build-up of communities from Duhaney Park to Dunrobin during the 1960s. A small group of Hanover Street Baptist Church members living off the Washington Boulevard, met regularly at the home of Cyril Palmer. Rev. Luther Gibbs, serving as Pastor of Hanover Street, encouraged these members to become the nucleus for a new congregation for a church to be built on grounds donated by the authorities of Calabar. In 1969 a small building was erected on the property and Boulevard Baptist Church came into being with thirty-three (33) members. So rapid was the growth in membership that six years later, on September 11, 1975 Rev. Luther Gibbs accepted the call to the full-time pastorate of Boulevard. He immediately set his eyes on building a Chapel large enough to accommodate two thousand (2,000) people. The Chapel was built to accommodate large groups like the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU) Assembly. The programmes, right from the start, were organised to facilitate outreach activities like dental care, legal aid, skills training, adult education, counselling, and care basket. Boulevard has also led the way in the establishment of Sunday School for the total population (all age groups) and in the Media Ministry. When the Rev. Luther Gibbs retired in 1990 the church sought and found a young man, Rev. Devon Dick, who was given the responsibility to fill the church by evangelism, develop an effective ministry to the youth and encourage participation of all members. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
- Columbarium | Site
OUR COLUMBARIUM Further details are available from Sis. Jean Treasure or Sis. Lassom McDermott at the church office. E-mail : boulevard. Telephone: ( 876) 905-0118; ( 876) 925-5329;( 876) 905-2422 WhatsApp: ( 876) 990-2728 Application Form Niche Purchase Agreement DOWNLOAD FAQ PREVIEW To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
- Funeral Policies | Site
FUNERAL/THANKSGIVING SERVICE POLICY AND PROCEDURE BBC Constitution A funeral service will be held in the Church for the following:- Members of this church who are in good standing; Bona fide members of the Churches of the Jamaica Baptist Union at the request or agreement of the Pastor of the Church; Young people who are members of the Youth Organization of the Church and actively involved in the life of the Church up to twenty-five (25) years old; Members of other Christian Denominations who are in good standing with their Church and whose relative is a member of this Church; Spouses, Parents, and children of members of the church; Funeral can be held at the discretion of the Pastor and members of the Deacon Board Procedures a) The Church’s Administrative office staff will work closely with the family members of the deceased by providing a Thanksgiving/Funeral Order of Service template (see Appendix 2). Duration of the Service The duration of the Services is 90 minutes based on COVID-19 protocols. c) Date and Time The funeral service date and time will be scheduled with the Pastor and/or Boulevard Baptist Church Administrative Office. Contribution. An Offering will be collected for the Church’s ministry. Attendees - the number of attendees will comply with the COVID-19 protocols Church Members Members may use the Church facilities at no cost. Non-members Non-members will be required to pay the contribution as indicated on the Funeral Form (Appendix 1) Attendees The number of attendees with be in compliance with the COVID -19 Protocol. Non-Church Members Non-Church members shall obtain approval from Church Administrative Office for use of the Church facilities for funerals. The requested donation to the church will be required to be paid prior to funeral and must be paid 5-days in advance of the funeral. The funds must be cleared in the church’s account prior to the funeral. Refunds will be made via bank transfer where a cancellation occurs. Live-Streaming of the Service Family members may require for the service to be streamed; this service is provided at an additional cost. Food and Beverages Under the current COVID-19 protocols, all food and beverages are to be served in the designated area and must be served to go. There will be no gathering allowed to eat or drink and this will be reinforced by the Church’s Administrative Office. Funeral Supervision The Church Administrative Staff and the Caretaker will be available to assist with all funerals. The Caretaker will be available to assist with logistics and the facilities will be opened two hours prior to scheduled start time of the funeral. No smoking, drinking of alcohol or use of drugs are allowed on Church grounds. The Church Caretaker will be responsible for locking all doors and ensuring that all lights are turned off, after the service. Appropriate attire must be worn when entering the church grounds and the Sanctuary. Inappropriate attire such as revealing clothing, ill-fitting clothing, will not be allowed. Funeral / Thanksgiving Service Form DOWNLOAD Order Of Service Template DOWNLOAD
- Ministries | Site
Find out about Boulevard Baptist, Women's, Dance and outreach ministry, Mission and Evangelism and Youth and senior choir and how you can get involved. MINISTRIES Women’s Federation Youth Choir First Aid Dance Ministry Youth Ministry Mission & Evangelism Outreach Ministry Senior Choir Usher Board
- Sacraments | Site
Want to become baptized, get married, dedicate your child here at Boulevard Baptist Ja? Find out more here. sacramentos Primera comunión Bautismo Matrimonio Dedicación de Infantes Servicios fúnebres Por favor, llámenos o envíenos un correo electrónico acerca de las fechas disponibles y los procedimientos de reserva. | 876 925 5329 876 224 4080 Políticas
- Bereavement Ministry | Site
- Youth Fellowship | Site
Beca de jóvenes Youth Fellowship is where persons study and apply the word to their life. Discuss topics about the challenges person may be experiencing and, provide motivation and guidance, we fellowship in various ways from our socials and games night. Join Now
- Youth fellowship Contact Card | Site
Join the BBC Youth Fellowship First Name Last Name Phone Number Birthday Submit Thanks for submitting! We will reach out to you as soon as possible.